Monday, June 16, 2014

On things like river trails and such..

This gorgeous trail was most definitely hiked by my husband and I today. See, we are in the process of trying to become more healthy and active, and this trail running parallel to the local river seemed a good choice for starters... notice seemed. Don't get me wrong, the beauty and viridescence of this manmade path in the woods was unlike any I've seen in the last few years of living in the plateau desert of California. I have truly missed the greenery that the Midwest proudly boasts of in grass and trees. 

When we came across this Republican River (yes, that really is its name in the heart of Kansas), we thought this would be as good a place as any to start establishing the lifestyle of health, adventure, activity. Our blistered toes are telling us otherwise. When it comes to exercising, especially outdoors, I am what you might call a "wimp," I have all these great ideas of being healthy, but when it comes down to it, I don't often want to do what it will take. However, this is something both of us have gotten really serious about lately, instead of just talking about it. We are in our mid-twenties, we are figuring out life and marriage together, and are talking about trying for children in the next few months. 

In my struggle to maintain a good attitude while my shoes were causing friction, and recognize that what I was doing was for my long-term good, I came to the point of just being content to be with my man and be adventurous together. We had a good conversation, and realized that this journey will be one that we walk together for a long time. We vowed to remain constant in the good and bad times, and even when it is hard-even when our feet are aching in a longer-than-anticipated river trail hike, we stay by each other as an encouragement and motivation. 

All in all, it was a lovely time, and I was able to support my husband in his endeavor to become more healthy, and in turn, it helped me. Besides, the view along the way was gorgeous and I think it will have to be revisited in the near future, but maybe next time, Dr. Scholls may be taking the hike with us. :)

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