Thursday, October 2, 2014

What to do when your day just sucks

So today has been one of "those" days, if you know what I mean. Truth be told, it wasn't that horrible, I guess, I just had a few moments I really wish I could rewind and redo. 
My husband has been working weird hours lately, so in turn, I sleep weird hours and also operate in my daily routine in a somewhat dysfunctional way. Things actually started off fine, we overslept, though because our time to bed was so late, it didn't really feel like it. 
I heated up leftover breakfast burritos for my man, and some oatmeal for myself (hey, I am slowly trying to be more healthy, but don't give me too much credit yet, just you wait).

With my coffee in hand, I had a stack of bills to organize for our new place, and I had to figure out what our monthly budget will look like this month. I talked to B to ask about a bookcase I've been eyeing to go on the other side of my TV, as I already have one, turns out Target had it on sale, but only one left. He told me to go ahead and get it as long as I assembled it today and styled it, so it doesn't sit in my laundry room or the garage for a few weeks. I was completely on board with that! 
I get the bookcase home and follow the instructions step by step, it really was not that difficult, but normally it is a huge ordeal in our home to assemble furniture from Target or Ikea... usually all the hardware and pieces are everywhere, and it gets quite frustrating. Today, not so, thankfully, it came together quite nicely, thank you very much. Brandon was pleased that I was checking that off the list as he was walking out the door for work. 
I had to dig through a couple boxes of decorative items and non-essential things to find what I was looking for to put everything together, it turned out great and I am pleased!  
Now here is where everything starts to get fun.
I carefully went to move the existing bookcase, but from the wrong angle, and ending up with almost tipping over all the contents of the shelf, including a decorative piece full of glitter. Then I went out to the garage and had to sort through the mess that it is -- I won't even go there. I started laundry, I picked up a few things in the apartment, and unpacked a box of winter coats, it will hopefully be cool enough for them soon (it is October now). 
I was procrastinating, as I still have a lot of homework to do, but decided painting my nails was necessary (no, of course it wasn't really, but that is what I chose to do). Imagine this scenario, I am sitting on the bathroom counter with my knees up so I can reach my toes. I choose a perfect Fall maroon, but the lid won't come off, so I shake it, like you do. Then it slipped out of my hands and dropped into the sink in front of me... and when I say dropped, I mean ricocheted off the bowl and across the entire bathroom, splattering the walls, the tub, the baseboards, the cabinets, the floor and the rug. Did I mention we live in an apartment? Also, did I mention that it was the loveliest shade of maroon, which splattered everywhere now looked like a crime scene? Yikes. 
Needless to say, I mopped it up and scrubbed the grout the best I could... it is faintly pink in some spots and reeks of acetone. I cleaned on top of that to remove the smell, which was not 100% successful, but it is what it is. 
I am eating microwave popcorn for dinner... again, and procrastinating, that is a whole other post. But I was reminded of a few things in these last few moments (hours):
  • Breathe, it isn't the end of the world, and messes can be easily cleaned. (Expert).
  • Live the moment, it makes for a funny story later on, and learning to laugh at ourselves is sometimes the best medicine. 
  • Nothing, even my moments of clumsiness-- which are not infrequent-- can change who I am or what my purpose is. 
"So what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn't hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing Himself to the worst by sending His own Son, is there anything else He wouldn't gladly and freely do for us?...Do you think anything is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ's love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture... absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our master has embraced us." -Romans 8:31-39, the Message


  1. Hugs, Friend!! (and if you have white grout, bleach does wonders). Annnnnd bookshelves (on sale!!). Yay! And coffee! Double yay!! And I'm in love with your big chunky ring on your right hand :) haha.


  2. Christen, thank you much friend!
    -I will definitely use bleach on the still stained spots of my grout
    -Coffee, bookshelves on sale, fun jewelry -- yes, to all! (Silpada Jewelry is where the ring is from by the way, I think you'd love it)
    -I want to get together soon, we gotta make it happen!

    xo back,
