Thursday, May 1, 2014


Sometimes in life-or in marriage, specifically- you have wonderful, romantic moments, and sometimes you fight for no reason at all. Sometimes you also have moments that are disappointing and hurtful-and it usually isn't only one sided. When I have been hurt, I also try to hurt back so that the scorecard is even, although one of the best pieces of advice I have heard was to "never keep score." That is sometimes hard to adhere to when you live in such close proximity with another human being. 
Marriage is simultaneously the hardest and best thing I have ever done in my life. I wouldn't trade it, divorce is not an option either. But there are moments that tension arises because we are flawed and we will disappoint the loves of our lives. It is just inevitable. I have to be honest, last night was one of those times. 
I said words carelessly, and he said words carelessly. I got upset and took my pillows into the spare room for the night. I couldn't contain the tears that decided to spill over. I had never done that before and though I still felt anger toward my man, I felt more ashamed of myself. He is going on a business trip soon, and I realized that I didn't want one of our last few nights to have that tension over us. So I took myself and my pillows back to bed with my husband. He was asleep by the time I returned, and resolution would not happen last night. 
I woke up this morning with a crick in my neck from sleeping poorly, and rolled to my side in hopes of a more comfortable position. He also rolled over and put and arm around me and whispered bravely, "I am really sorry about everything, I love and I want you to know that." After that, we were able to have a brief discussion about the issue at hand and how we were both disappointed and effected. Then we got up and I folded the pile of white laundry that I've been neglecting for days and he cleaned up the glass-bottled root beer explosion in the freezer due to forgetting that they were in there before last night's hockey game. 
We shared a few hugs, kisses, and apologies, but it was a simple resolution-not like something you might see in the movies. Because that is not what marriage is truly about. Yes, we love deeply, yes, sometimes we fight dirty, but at the end of it all, he is mine and I am his and we are in this for the long haul. It's not perfect because we are not. But I think that is part of what makes this a beautiful journey. 

In the midst of all the frustration last night, I was aching to write; I erased every attempt just because it was too raw, too in the moment. I was hurt and I had hurt the man I love and the right words just wouldn't come. But today, we are at peace again and my heart is back to its correct place. 

I write these things because in my aim to be transparent, I do not want to gloss over the truth. My hope is that perhaps someone else will be able to find the courage to stay committed to a difficult relationship, be it marriage or even with a child, friend, or other family member. Love isn't easy and it isn't just a feeling, it is a choice. This was portrayed in the greatest example of love that ever existed in the person of Jesus Christ. 

"This is real love-not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins." -1 John 4:10

Jesus died because he loved so much. Love is about sacrificing oneself for the good of others, and looking at them and regarding them with worth and value. Last night, even in the heat of my tears, I was able to remember this and seek to regard my husband with value and love-without conditions. It was this reminder that brought me back and this that keeps me choosing every day to love when it is deserved and when it isn't. I hope that in whatever situation you may find yourself today, you can remember that love wins-even if it means something as basic as cleaning up the messes and folding the laundry. 

*Picture credit: Aurora Vilchis
*Scripture passage taken from the New Living Translation.